Citz Club Golf Section 2025
2nd March Matamata 10am Start
13th April Omokoroa Dot Golf
11th May Tokoroa 10am start
8th June Kawerau 10am start
29th June Lakeview 10am start
20th July Springfield 10am start
17th August Whakatane 10am start
14th September Tirau 10am start
19th October Putaruru 10am start
9th November Matamata 10am start
7th December Lakeview 10am start
VENUE : Lake View Golf Club
DATE: 2 February 2025 @ 3.10 pm
PRESENT: 31 Members – Shane, Graham, Kim, Chrissie, AlanB, Wallace, AllanGB, Alistair, Bernard, BruceH, Gibby, David, Dave M, Doug, Garetth, IanC, John, Nigel, Paul, Stan, Tony, Cheryl, Christine P, Gwen, Irianny, Jeanette, Karen, Kerry, Mary, Vickey, Jocelyn.
APOLOGIES: Bunty, Tremain, BruceM, Julie, Gary, Henry, Rob & Julie.
Moved - Allan B Seconded- Gibby Accepted
PREVIOUS MINUTES: Of AGM 4 February 2024 at Matamata Golf Club attached.
Moved- Graham Seconded- Karen Accepted as a true and accurate. No matters arising.
PRESIDENTS REPORT: Shane welcomed everyone back for a new season, and especially our new member Tony Snow. It was great to see we had 41 active members last year. Although we had to reschedule 2 games last year, we enjoyed 13 games, including a super-duper Mystery Bus trip (Thanks Chrissie). Thanks to all Committee members especially Kim & Graham, as things do not run smoothly without an enthusiastic committee, and also to those who helped with our Club raffles. The Men’s team of Allan B, Nigel & Paul represented us at Whanganui, they enjoyed the experience but were not in the money. Unlike Karen, Kim & Chrissie who did come home with the cup from Whangamata (Congratulations Ladies). Next week Irianny, Jeanette & Karen are representing us at Dannevirke, where we expect them to bring back the cup. Also good luck to Bushy & Nigel who are representing us a Pairs tournament at Carterton. Congratulations to last years trophy winners, which Graham & I will hand out shortly. Great to hear Karen has put her name up to join our committee, fresh ideas are always welcomed. A big thank you to Kim for sorting out a good mix of courses for 2025. I wish everyone good golfing, a lot of laughs, and a great year.
### MINUTES ####
FINANCIAL REPORT: As circulated, was moved by Graham and seconded by Chrissie . as a true and accurate. - Accepted
Main points were: - We had 40 members last year, up 8 on 2024. We had an equity of $8,573 made up of Bank Funds $7,744 and prepaid expenses of $829. We played 13 games in 2024 and after hospitality of $2,900 for opening and closing days and Mystery Bus trip our games cost us $2,622. Our main club raffles brought in $2,136 (down about $1,000 from 2023) thanks to those who helped. Our main expense was $3,833 sending our Men’s & Ladies teams away to represent us at the North Island tournaments. Overall the year cost us $2,859 but it was money well spent.
President Secretary/ Treasurer Club Captain Committee
Shane Graham Kim Chrissie, Alan B, Julie & Karen (New)
Ladies Club Matchplay Champion - Kim Copestake-Austin
Men’s Club Matchplay Champion - Alan Bush
The Brian Saunders Trophy (Men’s Best Average Net) – Henry Hay
The Bubbles Ratahu Memorial Trophy (Ladies Best Average Net) – Irianny Beauchamp
The Harry Mclean-Gibbs Memorial Trophy (Best Stableford over rounds 1 & 5 - Matamata / Whakatane) - Jeanette Snee
The Gilan / Jensen Trophy (Ladies Best Aggregate Stableford) - Karen Collins
Tauranga Citz Club Golf Section (Men’s Best Aggregate Stableford) - Nigel Rose
Tom Eynon Trophy ( Most Improved Player) - Henry Hay
GENERAL BUSINESS: Subscriptions for 2025 $30. Normal Game Fees $30
Kim mentioned games booked so far for 2025 will be emailed to members.
Meeting closed at 3-28 pm
The Golf Club invites you to join them at courses in the BOP and Waikato
Start times for all games 10am
Please Note: Please be at the course 30 minutes prior to tee off time for registration and draw.
Hello Golfers,
Lydia Ko did not win the “Hilton Grand VocationsTournament of Champions”and I did not become a prize winner at “The Tauranga Citizens Club -Golf sections opening day and AGM at Lakeview 2 Feb. But we both finished in 6th place.
The hospitality and weather at Lake View were both fist class, so that produced some good golf. Especially for the undecideds of Christie P, Gareth, Irianny & Tony Snow, (welcome Tony to our friendly group), who won the split6 teams event with 101 points.
Just sneaking into 2nd spot with 93 points were “4 Musketeers” of John, Allan B, Alister & Ian.
Taking out 3rd place just 1 point behind was the “unnames” of Bushy, Stan, Cheryl & Nigel.
Bruce H hit the most golf shots to win the Chocolate Bar. The longest putts on the 10 & 18 were taken out by John Webb & Cheryl Yip-E Collier.
This game was also the 1st qualifying game for our Match Play Champs (The best two of our first three games) and the 1st game for our Harry McLean - Gibbs Trophy (the second game is at Kawerau). The top 5 players who played to their handicapor better are Nigel, Chryl, Gareth, Tony & Irianny. The rest of us will try hard at Kawerau
Graham Hamilton 02102259501